If your upper teeth are not meeting your lower teeth as they should, our orthodontist may suggest a visit to Laird Orthodontics for a palatal expander in Katy, Texas. This treatment can improve multiple aspects of your smile, and you can call [practice_ name] at 281-392-1155 for a visit with Dr. Aaron Laird for your child or even for yourself.
A palatal expander serves as a valuable orthodontic tool designed to widen the upper jaw, promoting better alignment between upper and lower teeth. Our proficient team conducts a thorough assessment of your dental condition during your visit to determine the most suitable treatment approach for your specific requirements. Many patients seek to improve their bite functionality and aesthetics by addressing misalignments between their upper and lower teeth. Should your upper jaw exhibit narrowness, our orthodontist may recommend the use of a palatal expander, an effective solution to create ample space for optimal tooth alignment.
The functionality of a palatal expander hinges on its ability to gradually stretch the pliable cartilage within the palate. This method facilitates the accommodation of permanent teeth, eliminating the necessity for tooth extraction in cases of overcrowding. Depending on your unique needs and preferences, the expander may be either removable or fixed in place. Our forthcoming appointments offer opportunities for you to delve deeper into the details of palatal expanders and gain comprehensive insights from our adept team.
If you have any questions about palatal expanders or want to schedule an appointment with our orthodontist, please contact our team today.